Results for 'Mary Georgetta St Hilaire'

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  1.  22
    Marie-Josée Lavallée, Lire Platon avec Hannah Arendt. Pensée, politique, totalitarisme, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, coll. « Pensée allemande et européenne », 2018, 364 pages. [REVIEW]Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (2):536-541.
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    Too Radical Μέθεξις? Gadamer on Platonic Forms.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):219-241.
    This paper proposes a new interpretation of Gadamer’s problematic appropriation of Platonic metaphysics. It argues that Gadamer, attempting to respond to the challenge posed by Heidegger’s interpretation of Platonic metaphysics and of its role in the history of Being (Seinsgeschichte), downplayed the transcendence of Platonic Forms. Gadamer achieves a reconfiguration of this transcendence and its transposition into what I call here a plane of immanence through two hermeneutic gestures: 1) interpreting Forms in light of Greek mathematics and especially in light (...)
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  3.  44
    Thomas Aquinas, Pierre Rousselot, and the Performative Aesthetics of Contemplative Theology.Robert St Hilaire - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (5).
  4. The study of legal plurality outside 'legal pluralism' : the future of the discipline?Maxime St-Hilaire - 2015 - In Helge Dedek & Shauna Van Praagh, Stateless law: evolving boundaries of a discipline. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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  5. L’aristotélisation gadamérienne de Platon ou l’herméneutique dialogique à la lumière du problème de l’ironie.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2016 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 12:1-19.
    Cette étude cherche à rendre compte d’un trait particulier et pratiquement inobservé dans la fondation gadamérienne de l’herméneutique philosophique. Si l’on connaît bien le rôle du platonisme — et plus spécifiquement du dialogue platonicien — parmi les sources au sein desquelles Gadamer a puisé pour formuler le caractère dialogique du comprendre, on a rarement noté que la phénoménologie du dialogue sur laquelle s’appuie une telle fondation s’inscrivait en faux par rapport à son modèle sur un point bien précis : l’ironie, (...)
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    Gadamer’s Hermeneutics and the Concept of Genre: The Case of the Utopian Genre in Plato.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):352-369.
    This paper addresses the question of the function of genre in Gadamer’s hermeneutics by examining his treatment of Plato’s political writings in the context of the “utopian genre.” I argue that Gadamer’s reading of Plato informs us on the hermeneutics of genre, which is otherwise undiscussed in Truth and Method. First, I reconstruct the utopian genre as Gadamer treats it in a 1983 lecture hitherto neglected. Second, I expand Gadamer’s “logic of question and answer” by drawing on the notion of (...)
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  7.  38
    Cyrus’ Beehive: Ruling Eros and with Eros in Xenophon’s Cyropaedia.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2022 - Polis 39 (1):99-122.
    This paper examines the role of love in Xenophon’s Cyropaedia. I argue that an essential aspect of Cyrus’ knowledgeable rule is a specific understanding of eros and a corresponding strategy to cope with the power of love. Specifically, I contend that by exploiting a common Greek distinction between the beloved and the lover, he articulates the view that lovers are subjects or even slaves to their beloved who deceive themselves into thinking that their attraction and the ensuing behaviors are voluntary. (...)
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  8.  25
    Gerhard Krüger's Platonic critique of Martin Heidegger.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):967-981.
    This paper examines Gerhard Krüger's interpretation of Plato in light of Martin Heidegger's Destruktion of the Greeks and critique of Platonism. I argue that Krüger's new reading of Plato should be understood as a critique of Heidegger's understanding of Platonism, and thereby as a broader critique of Heidegger's thoughts on Western metaphysics and the history of Being (Seinsgeschichte). The force and originality of Krüger's response to Heidegger consist in the fact that Krüger's Plato anticipates Heidegger's critique of Platonism. Krüger thus (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Play and Moral Education in the Choruses of Plato’s Laws.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - forthcoming - Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science.
    Among the educative games of Plato’s Cretan city, choral performances have a prominent role. This paper examines the function of play (παιδιά) in the choral education in virtue in Plato’s Laws. I reconstruct the notion of play as it is elaborated throughout this dialogue, and then show how it contributes to solving the problem of virtue acquisition in the Athenian’s account of moral education through songs and dances. I argue that play in the Laws is best understood an imitative activity (...)
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    Qu’est-ce qu’être humain? Heidegger et Arendt autour de la praxis aristotélicienne.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (1):109-142.
    This paper aims to show how Heidegger and Arendt’s reappropriations of Aristotle’s thought are structured around a reinterpretation of the double definition of man as a practical being, that is, aszôon logon echonandzôon politikon. I argue that by interpreting the notions that compose and circumscribe this definition — those of life (zôê),logos, production (poiêsis), action (praxis) and contemplation (theôria), Heidegger and Arendt find the main characteristic of human beings by developing upon two distinct possibilities contained in the ambivalent Aristotelian concept (...)
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  11. Robert Lepage: el futuro del teatro.Jean St-Hilaire - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 47:25-29.
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    Remarques sur la réponse de Leo Strauss au problème de l’historicisme.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (1):135-143.
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    Gadamer’s Ambivalent Aristotelianism and the Critique of Theôria Before Warheit Und Methode.Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2025 - Review of Metaphysics 78 (3):491-520.
    This article attempts to show a neglected aspect of Gadamer’s appropriation of Aristotle and to provide an interpretation of that aspect that explains it. The author argues that, at least up until Wahrheit und Methode (1960), Gadamer appropriates Aristotle’s practical philosophy while criticizing central notions and parts of Aristotle’s theoretical philosophy. His claim is that this feature—visible in Wahrheit und Methode —can be adequately understood only on the basis of the critique of Aristotelian θεωρία that Garamer articulates in his earlier (...)
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  14. La question de l’antimodernisme dans le renouveau contemporain de la philosophie politique: Renaut, lecteur de Strauss [The Question of Antimodernism in the Contemporary Renewal of Political Philosophy: Renaut, Reader of Strauss].Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2019 - Politique Et Sociétés 2 (38):81-103.
    Résumé Cet article cherche à poser à nouveau l’épineuse question de l’« antimodernisme » dans la philosophie politique contemporaine. Nous proposons à cette fin d’expliquer la critique que fait le philosophe français Alain Renaut d’un des plus grands pionniers du renouveau contemporain de la philosophie politique, Leo Strauss, et d’exposer par la suite une réplique possible à cette critique, reconstituant ainsi un dialogue qui ne put véritablement avoir lieu. Nous cherchons à montrer qu’à terme, la critique de Renaut est en (...)
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    Jacques Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer, correspondence (1977–2000) Jacques Derrida, How right he was: Gadamer, my Cicerone (2002). [REVIEW]Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (4):535-548.
    What follows is an English translation of two documents pertaining to the Derrida-Gadamer encounter. The first one is the short correspondence between Jacques Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer that lasted from March 1977 to July 2000. The correspondence was written in German and French. The second one is the homage that Derrida wrote in honor of Gadamer in the wake of his passing in 2002. These two documents are now available in English for the first time.
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  16. Strauss's Platonism and the Fate of Metaphysiscs: A Rejoinder to Tucker Landy's Reply. [REVIEW]Antoine P. St-Hilaire - 2016 - Interpretation 42 (3):497-500.
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    Platon-Nietzsche. L’autre manière de philosopher Monique Dixsaut Paris, fayard , 2015, 338 P. [REVIEW]Antoine P. St-Hilaire - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (3):537-540.
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    Alan Kim (ed.), Brill’s Companion to German Platonism. Leiden/boston: Brill, 2019, xi+388 pp. [REVIEW]Antoine Pageau-St-Hilaire - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (2):328-331.
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    Understanding anhedonia in schizophrenia through lexical analysis of natural speech.Alex S. Cohen, Annie St-Hilaire, Jennifer M. Aakre & Nancy M. Docherty - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (3):569-586.
  20. Mapping responsible conduct in the uncharted field of research-creation: a scoping review.Nathalie Voarino, Vincent Couture, S. Mathieu-C., Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Emilie St-Hilaire, Bryn Williams-Jones, François-Joseph Lapointe, Cynthia Noury, Marianne Cloutier & Philippe Gauthier - 2019 - Accountability in Research 26 (5):311-46.
    This scoping review addresses the issues of responsible conduct of research (RCR) that can arise in the practice of research-creation (RC), an emergent, interdisciplinary, and heterogeneous field at the interface of academic research and creative activities. Little is yet known about the nature and scope of RCR issues in RC, so our study examined three questions: (1) What are the specific issues in RC in relation to RCR? (2) How does the specificity of RC influence the understanding and practice of (...)
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  21.  34
    Les techniques dans l'espace public.Liliane Hilaire-Pérez & Marie Thébaud-Sorger - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (2):393-428.
    Le but de cet article est d'interroger les transformations culturelles qui accompagnent la commercialisation des inventions, phénomène majeur de l'essor marchand et consumériste au XVIIIe siècle. Les stratégies commerciales des inventeurs sont fondées sur une médiatisation croissante, mêlant rhétoriques visuelles (démonstrations, spectacles, expositions) et recours à l'imprimé: annonces de presse, affiches, prospectus, modes d'emploi, livrets d'utilisation. L'information et le savoir techniques jouent un rôle clef dans la construction de marchés pour les inventions. Cette dimension a rarement été prise en compte (...)
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    Glycerol: a neglected variable in metabolic processes?Diane Brisson, Marie-Claude Vohl, Julie St-Pierre, Thomas J. Hudson & Daniel Gaudet - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):534-542.
    Glycerol is a small and simple molecule produced in the breakdown of glucose, proteins, pyruvate, triacylglycerols and other glycerolipid, as well as release from dietary fats. An increasing number of observations show that glycerol is probably involved in a surprising variety of physiopathologic mechanisms. Glycerol has long been known to play fundamental roles in several vital physiological processes, in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and is an important intermediate of energy metabolism. Despite some differences in the details of their operation, many of (...)
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    Présentation.Indravati Félicité, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez & Marie-Louise Pelus-Kaplan - 2021 - Revue de Synthèse 142 (1-2):3-6.
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  24. Chinese Humanism and Christian Spirituality: Essays of John Wu. [REVIEW]Marie De St Ina - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):505-506.
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    Cultural Relativism and Primitive Ethics.George St Hilaire - 1959 - Modern Schoolman 36 (3):179-195.
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    T homas A quinas, P ierre R ousselot, and the Performative Aesthetics of Contemplative Theology.Robert St Hilaire - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (4):676-690.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 4, Page 676-690, July 2022.
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    The Vision at Ostia.George St Hilaire - 1958 - Modern Schoolman 35 (2):117-123.
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    China’s Contribution to the Spiritual Foundation of Humanity.Marie de St Ina - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):445-454.
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    Similitudo Amoris.Mary St Michael - 1955 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 11 (2):222.
  30.  27
    Chinese Humanism and Christian Spirituality. [REVIEW]Marie St Ina - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):505-506.
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    Digital ethical reflection in long-term care: Leaders’ expectations.Lena Jakobsen, Rose Mari Olsen, Berit Støre Brinchmann & Siri Andreassen Devik - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Healthcare leader support and facilitation for ethics work are of great importance for healthcare professionals’ handling of ethical issues, moral distress, and quality care provision. A digital tool for ethical reflection in long-term care was developed in response to the demand for appropriate tools. Research aim This study aimed to explore healthcare leaders’ expectations of using a digital tool for ethical reflection among their home nursing care staff. Research design A qualitative research design with vignettes and focus group interviews (...)
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    Digital ethical reflection in home nursing care: Nurse leaders’ and nurses’ experiences.Lena Jakobsen, Rose Mari Olsen, Berit Støre Brinchmann & Siri Andreassen Devik - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):186-200.
    Background Nurse leaders increasingly need effective tools that facilitate the prioritisation of ethics and help staff navigate ethical challenges and prevent moral distress. This study examined experiences with a new digital tool for ethical reflection, tailored to improve the capabilities of both leaders and employees in the context of municipal long-term care. Aim The aim was to explore the experiences of nurse leaders and nurses in using Digital Ethical Reflection as a tool for ethics work in home nursing care. Research (...)
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    Mysticism and Ecumenism. [REVIEW]Marie De St Ina - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (2):359-360.
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  34. Essence and operation in the teaching of St. Thomas and in some modern philosophies.Mary Dominica Mullen - 1941 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
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    The Sisters of St Joseph: 128 years of care for the aged.Marie Therese Foale - 1996 - The Australasian Catholic Record 73 (2):187.
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    Enablement in health care context: a concept analysis.Catherine Hudon, Denise St-Cyr Tribble, Gina Bravo & Marie-Eve Poitras - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):143-149.
  37. The Life and Thought of St. Edith Stein.Freda Mary Oben - 2001
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  38. The problem of solidarism in St. Thomas: a study in social philosophy.Mary Joan of Arc Wolfe - 1938 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
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    Choris Andros: St. Paul on Worlds Without Men.Mary Nickel - 2024 - Political Theology 25 (6):676-696.
    The genre of fiction portraying worlds without men is over a century old – and growing. It reaches back to Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s 1910 Herland, through scores of utopias from second wave feminist writers like Joanna Russ and Suzy McKee Charnas to contemporary examples from Lauren Beukes and Sandra Newman. This article asks: if it were in fact possible to create a world without men, for what reasons should we pursue or forgo such a world? Those who have endured patriarchy’s (...)
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  40. The End of Roe v. Wade.Mary Ziegler - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (8):16-21.
    The Supreme Court seems poised to overrule Roe v. Wade and hold that there is no constitutional right to choose abortion. The reversal of Roe seems to run counter to public opinion in the United St...
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  41. Solving the St. Petersburg Paradox in cumulative prospect theory: the right amount of probability weighting.Marie Pfiffelmann - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):325-341.
    Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) does not explain the St. Petersburg Paradox. We show that the solutions related to probability weighting proposed to solve this paradox, (Blavatskyy, Management Science 51:677–678, 2005; Rieger and Wang, Economic Theory 28:665–679, 2006) have to cope with limitations. In that framework, CPT fails to accommodate both gambling and insurance behavior. We suggest replacing the weighting functions generally proposed in the literature by another specification which respects the following properties: (1) to solve the paradox, the slope at (...)
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  42.  42
    St. Augustine and “The Deputy Theory”.Mary J. Sirridge - 1975 - Augustinian Studies 6:107-116.
  43. A comparative study of St. Thomas and Herbert Spencer.Mary Fides Shepperson - 1923 - Pittsburgh, Pa.: [S.N.].
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    Ruskin and St. Mark's.Mary Ann Stankiewicz & John Unrau - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (3):117.
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    The philosophy of St. Thomas of Aquin in relation to the spiritual aspects of nursing..Mary Isabel Fitzgerald - 1938 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America.
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    St. Anselm’s Ontological Arguments.Marie Duží - 2011 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):7-37.
    In the paper I analyse Anselm’s ontological arguments in favour of God’s existence. The analysis is an explication and formalization of Pavel Tichý’s study‘Existence and God’, Journal of Philosophy, 1979. It is based on Transparent Intensional Logic with its bi-dimensional ontology of entities organized in the ramified hierarchy of types. The analysis goes as follows. First, necessary notions and principles are introduced. They are: (a) existence is not a (non-trivial) property of individuals, but of individual offices to be occupied by (...)
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    What Makes a Catholic Hospital “Catholic” in an Age of Religious-Secular Collaboration? The Case of the Saint Marys Hospital and the Mayo Clinic.Keith M. Swetz, Mary E. Crowley & T. Dean Maines - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (2):95-107.
    Mayo Clinic is recognized as a worldwide leader in innovative, high-quality health care. However, the Catholic mission and ideals from which this organization was formed are not widely recognized or known. From partnership with the Sisters of St. Francis in 1883, through restructuring of the Sponsorship Agreement in 1986 and current advancements, this Catholic mission remains vital today at Saint Marys Hospital. This manuscript explores the evolution and growth of sponsorship at Mayo Clinic, defined as “a collaboration between the Sisters (...)
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  48.  10
    Reading, Thinking, and STS.Mary M. Dupuis - 1988 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 8 (5):490-497.
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    Revisiting BISFT Summer School 1998, The College of St Mark and St John Plymouth, ‘Women Facing the Boundaries of Difference’.Mary Grey - 2019 - Feminist Theology 27 (3):253-269.
    In her paper Expelled Again from Eden: Facing Difference through Connection, delivered in Plymouth in 1998, Mary Grey said the story of the Garden of Eden was a dilemma for Feminist Theologians. This because it both bears responsibility for the Fall of relationship between God and Man and the misogyny that has ensued through the ages but also underpinning the desire to return to a supposed golden age of matriarchy with the re-emergence of the Goddess and a related ecological (...)
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    Distributive Justice According to St. Thomas.Marie Louise Martinez - 1947 - Modern Schoolman 24 (4):208-223.
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